
Class for handling paginated API responses.



TypedDict representing the raw JSON data returned by the Octopus Energy API.

PaginatedResponse(query_url[, query_params, …])

Represents a multi-page response from a REST API.

typeddict OctoResponse[source]

Bases: dict

TypedDict representing the raw JSON data returned by the Octopus Energy API.

Required Keys
  • count (int) – The total number of responses.

  • next (str) – The URL of the next page of results.

  • previous (str) – The URL of the previous page of results.

  • results (List[Dict[str, Any]]) – The current page of results.

class PaginatedResponse(query_url, query_params=None, obj_type=<class 'dict'>)[source]

Bases: Iterable[~_T]

Represents a multi-page response from a REST API.

The items within the response can be iterated over or accessed by their indices. The total number of items can be accessed with len(response).



This class assumes the JSON response is in the format used by Django REST framework.

The response should be in the following format:

    "count": 1023,
    "next": "https://api.example.org/accounts/?page=5",
    "previous": "https://api.example.org/accounts/?page=3",
    "results": []

See https://www.django-rest-framework.org/api-guide/pagination/ for more information.



Return self == other.


Returns the item or items in the PaginatedResponse, as given by the index or slice.


Iterate over items in the PaginatedResponse.


Returns the number of items in the PaginatedResponse.


Return self == other.

Return type



Returns the item or items in the PaginatedResponse, as given by the index or slice.


item (Union[int, slice])

Return type

Union[~_T, List[~_T]]


Iterate over items in the PaginatedResponse.

Return type



Returns the number of items in the PaginatedResponse.

Return type
